Q&A Storytime

Wow! You guys had great questions last week. We sat down and tried to answer them all. Before we get started, here’s one thing you should know about us - we are both introverts, but if you get us talking about something that we are passionate about, we aren’


Oh, Hi There!

Oh, hi there, Friends!

We have now had the bus for nearly two years (Oct. 22, 2016 was the day we brought her home). Many of you have followed along with us for much of that time. But, we have also had many, many new friends join us in recent


“When are you leaving?”

When we originally decided to pursue this full-time RVing life back in 2015, we set an “ideal hit-the-road date” of June 2017. Why wait two whole years? Well, back in 2015, we still had a one-year-old. And, to be perfectly honest, I had been pregnant or nursing a baby for


Our Story

Joy, true joy, comes from the hope we have in our Lord Jesus. Happiness, however, is a little bit different. You might be searching for happiness in hobbies, friends, or a particular lifestyle. For us, we have always been joyful, but our happiest moments are when we can be together
